Ukraine Recovery Plan concerning energy sector

4 July 2022 the international conference UkraineRecovery started in Lugano, Switzerland. The PM of Ukraine, Denys Shmyhal, unveiled the plan for the post-war restoration of the state, aimed at various areas of development and investment.

The 10-years EUR 750 bln worth Plan includes all sectors of Ukrainian economy and identifies the development and modernization of Energy sector and implementation of energy efficient measures as immediate priorities. 


Overview of legislative initiatives towards enabling the CPPA market in Ukraine

Ukrainian lawmakers have supported the bill enshrining that until 1st April 2023, private power producers (except for renewable energy producers under the feed-in tariff) may conclude corporate PPAs involving the physical delivery of electric power to the customer’s site only upon the results of electronic auctions. 

The lawmakers that submitted the Draft Law stress the regulatory lacuna for the rules of of virtual PPAs for renewable energy. Nevertheless, Ukrainian legislation provides no restrictions on renewable energy producers to enter virtual PPAs with interested buyers. 


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