INTEGRITES became a partner of the event “2017 ICC RULES: Changes Explained”


On 2 November 2017, the ICC International Court of Arbitration and ICC Ukraine jointly held an event in Kyiv, Ukraine to discuss recent amendments to the ICC arbitration rules. INTEGRITES became one of the partners of this event.

The Ukrainian arbitration community had an unprecedented opportunity to hear the insights directly from Alexander Fessas, the Secretary General of the ICC Court, with interventions from leading arbitration practitioners in the Ukrainian and global arbitration market.

During the discussion, Alexander Fessas explained the recent innovations in the ICC arbitration rules. He covered the expedited procedure offered by the ICC since March 2017 for the cases where the amount in a dispute does not exceed USD 2 million. He also spoke about the growing level of transparency further to the ICC Court’s policy amendment to communicate reasons for its decisions on challenges of arbitrators at the party’s request. In addition, Alexander discussed a recent introduction of immediate dismissal of unmeritorious claims or defences. Finally, he highlighted the process of decentralization taking place in the ICC system with the two new case management teams to start operating soon.

Olena Perepelynska, partner at INTEGRITES, led the discussion about the diversity and global outreach. She complimented the ICC on being the pioneers in addressing all kinds of diversity by declaring and implementing the policies to improve the present situation. Overall, Olena concluded that the institutions appear to be ready to adhere to diversity commitments, while it is the clients who are rather slow in accepting the changes. Olena also explained the particularities of ICC Rules and system, which make it truly global institution and allow to conduct arbitration under ICC Rules in different jurisdictions, including Ukraine.

The event took place ahead of the annual “KIEV ARBITRATION DAYS 2017: Think Big!” held under the auspices of the Ukrainian Bar Association.