Viktoriya Fomenko - speaker at WealthPro Ukraine Kyiv 2021


Viktoriya Fomenko, Partner and Head of Tax and Customs at INTEGRITES, spoke at WealthPro Ukraine Kyiv 2021* that took place in Kyiv on October 28, 2021.

Viktoriya focused her report on the novelties which have been recently introduced to the Ukrainian tax legislation: the launch of the Common Reporting Standard, the tax amnesty, the new rules for controlled foreign companies (CFCs) and control over income of individuals in Ukraine. She also explained the nature and consequences of the Pandora papers case with regard to the business context in Ukraine.

Viktoriya Fomenko: “Ukraine has started to respond to the global transparency trend in the personal and corporate taxation and reporting. CFCs, new approach to structuring of business, tax amnesty – all these pose new challenges for owners and top managers. The good news is that there is a transition period before these law novelties enter into force. It is crucial to use this time to prepare for the upcoming changes”.

Speakers at WealthPro Ukraine Kyiv 2020 became consultants from Ukraine, Switzerland, Hungary, Bulgaria, the UK, Singapore, Ireland, Liechtenstein and Cyprus. Topics on the agenda included the investment immigration, various aspects of tax planning, trusts, asset protection and transparency.

*WealthPro is the annual international B2C conference and exhibition organized by Bosco Conference.