In 2021 INTEGRITES is among top-10 law firms in Ukraine according to the results of the Market Leaders annual survey by Yurydychna Gazeta, the leading media about the national legal market.
This year the research team introduces the division of firms into Group №1 and Group №2 and recognises the best practices on the market in the Top positions category.
10 practices at INTEGRITES received recognition in Market Leaders 2021. In particular, the firm has been recognised as Top Positions in the following practices: Private Clients, Construction/Real Estate, Energy and Natural Resources, International Arbitration.
Having improved positions as compared to 2020, INTEGRITES is among top 5 law firms of the Group №1 in the categories: Tax, International Law/International Trade, Agro and Land, Banking and Finance, Corporate, Antitrust and Competition.
«Market leaders. Rating of the Ukrainian Law Firms» is an annual survey of the legal services market in Ukraine. The research team includes members of the editorial board of Yurydychna Gazeta which selects the winners according to the main criteria: financial performance and effectiveness, representative projects, and reputation among peers. The survey is being conducted for the sixth year in a row.