INTEGRITES successfully defended the interests of an international company in a high-profile criminal case


INTEGRITES has successfully defended the interests of a Turkey-headquartered international holding, which had been implementing a large construction project in Ukraine, in a high-profile criminal case.

At the stage of the appeal by the prosecutor against the verdict of the court of first instance, the lawyers of INTEGRITES identified a significant procedural error of the prosecution related to the violation of the procedure for extending the pre-trial investigation. The team represented the client's interests in the court of appeal, having filed a well-grounded motion to close the proceedings on the relevant grounds.

As a result, the court of appeal fully granted the motion, dismissing the prosecutor's appeal. Thus, the criminal proceedings against the client were closed.

The team working on the case at the stage of appeal consisted of Partner and head of Domestic Litigation Oleksandr Onishchenko, Counsel and head of White-Collar Crime practice Mykola Nychyporuk, Senior Associate Serhii Rymar, Associate Liliia Lavrichenko.