On March 31, 2020, the Parliament of Ukraine has adopted the law enabling the land reform to finally start.
The new land law[[1]](https://www.integrites.com/publications/green-light-for-the-land-reform-in-ukraine/#_ftn1):
Who will be permitted to purchase agricultural lands (“Lands”)?
Lands may not be owned by:
Entities with Foreign Participation with respect to Lands which are allocated as land shares and located closer than 50 km from the state border (except for sea border) | Entities or Entities with Foreign Participation whose UBOs can not be identified | ||
Entities with Foreign Participation whose shareholders are citizens of any country, which is qualified by the Ukrainian Government as an aggressor against Ukraine | Entities with Foreign Participation which are controlled by individuals/legal entities registered in countries, included in the FATF’s list | ||
Entities with Foreign Participation whose shareholders or UBOs are foreign states | Individuals who are (or were) members of terrorist organisations | ||
Entities with Foreign Participation whose UBOs are registered in offshored | Individuals, Entities or Entities with Foreign Participation who are subject to sanctions set by the Ukrainian Government |
! All lands (including agricultural) located in the temporarily occupied areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions and the Crimea, may not be sold/purchased/allocated (except for the transfer of title in case of inheritance)
Other novelties
► The pre-emptive right on purchase of Lands will become transferrable (i.e. a lessee will be able to transfer their pre-emptive right on purchase of the leased Lands to a third party);
► Courts will be enabled to seize Lands, if:
[[1]](https://www.integrites.com/publications/green-light-for-the-land-reform-in-ukraine/#_ftnref1) The Law of Ukraine “On Introduction of Certain Changes to Laws of Ukraine on Conditions of Turnover of Agricultural Lands” No. 2178-10
[[2]](https://www.integrites.com/publications/green-light-for-the-land-reform-in-ukraine/#_ftnref2) The final text of the Law is yet to be officially published, its main provisions outlined in this alert have are based on the publicly available information