Svetlana Shtopol

Partner, Kazakhstan

Svetlana Shtopol

Partner, Kazakhstan

Professional Expertise
  • Legal expert with more than 20 years of experience in corporate and M&A, labour law issues
  • Advises clients on debt collection, insolvency and restructuring
  • Represents clients in corporate disputes as well as before the state authorities
Industry Focus
  • Healthcare and Pharma
  • Natural Resources
  • Retail & Distribution


Altynor Mining, Dongning CNHTC-Huaxin Heavy Duty Trucks Sale Co., Far Eastern Polychem Industries LTD, Hansa Resources Bloomberg LP., Kazpetrol Group, Kostanai Minerals, Lancaster Group, Petroleum Production International, PH BIKO, Scandic Optical, ShalkiyaZinc, Zentiva International

Professional Membership
  • Kazakhstan Petroleum Law Association
  • Kazakhstan Bar Association (Kazbar)
  • Alliance of antimonopoly experts
  • Kostanai State University named after A. Baitursynov, bachelor’s degree, Kostanay, Republic of Kazakhstan, 2001
  • Adilet Higher Law School, master’s degree, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, 2005