How to return a plant to an investor in 19 days — INTEGRITES partner Dmytro Marchukov spoke at the SAFE SIDE 2.0 conference


Dmytro Marchukov, partner and head of Cross-Border Litigation at INTEGRITES, spoke at the SAFE SIDE 2.0: Rules for the Safe Conduct of Business Conference dedicated to legal protection of companies from risks. Organized by the legal platform LIGA: Zakon, the event was held in Kyiv on October 9, 2019.

During the session “Risk Management Rules”, Dmytro shared a resonance success story from the latest practice of confronting raiding in Ukraine. INTEGRITES team led by Dmytro Marchukov represented the Turkish investors in a corporate dispute initiated by their minority partner. When the Turkish majority owners found out that they had been unlawfully deprived of their rights to property for the Ukrainian company, which owns a plant in Kryvyi Rih, INTEGRITES team helped to restore those rights within only 19 days.

Based on this case, Dmytro identified the deeply rooted problems that still enable raiders to forfeit private property in Ukraine, as well as the challenges faced by those who are forced to address the State Registration Complaints Commission at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

“The safety of doing business is important for both Ukrainian and foreign companies that decide to run their business on the Ukrainian market. Protection of investors’ ownership rights by the state helps to attract more investment into the economy. The case of Turkish investors in Dnipropetrovsk region indicates positive changes in this direction, although the problems that need to be solved still remain, namely the one with “shadow” registrars,” commented Dmytro Marchukov.