Olena Savchuk Spoke at the 9th World Bank Group Global Affordable Housing Conference


Counsel Olena Savchuk took part in the 9th Global Affordable Housing Conference organized by The World Bank Group and held in its headquarters in Washington D.C., USA on May 31- June 2, 2023. The theme of the conference was “Looking ahead: unlocking access to affordable, green and resilient housing through innovation.”

On June 1, Olena Savchuk spoke in the panel session dedicated to innovative housing reconstruction in states affected by conflict or natural disaster, like Ukraine and Turkey. In her presentation, Olena elaborated on the challenges Ukraine is facing due to russian invasion, the progress the country has made to date in the field of innovation, and the opportunities for recovery of the Ukrainian housing sector during and after the war.

Olena emphasized the key role of re-housing on the path to quick and sustainable reconstruction of Ukraine. She also spoke about the role of the Rehousing Ukraine Initiative established by the Affordable Housing Institute (USA) and INTEGRITES (Ukraine) since June 2022 which acts as a platform for developing the strategy and bringing together various stakeholders of the housing policy in Ukraine.

The Global Affordable Housing Conference gathered offline around 300 public and private sector representatives – policy makers, researchers, entrepreneurs, financiers and development partners. The main goal of the event was to promote innovative ideas and cutting-edge solutions to build and finance affordable and green housing around the world.


Olena Savchuk: "As at 2023 Ukraine is facing an unprecedented challenge to return around 7 million of refugees back to their homes. Apart from that, affordable housing should be ensured for veterans who have fought for this country’s independence, and their family members. For revitalization of the Ukrainian economy the pivotal aspect lies in providing people with affordable and quality housing which also has to be safe and sustainable. I am sure that Ukraine has a unique opportunity to use innovation as the key element of such reconstruction.”


The presentation of Olena Savchuk is available here.

The presentations of other participants can be found here.