Victoria Melnychenko was a trainer of the Development Programme on Compliance, organized by the European Business Association Management Development Centre


From April 4 until May 16, 2018, the Development Programme on Compliance, organized by the European Business Association Management Development Centre took place. Within the framework of individual modules, the participants had an opportunity to learn how follow compliance requirements in a proper and easy way, how to reduce risks of penalties as well as to learn the main issues of the new EU regulations related to general data protection, to review the main points of the Sanction Compliance, to improve knowledge in Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Compliance and to learn how to mitigate the Compliance risks.

Victoria Melnychenko, Head of Compliance practice at INTEGRITES, was a trainer of the Module 1 Development Programme on Compliance “How to build a culture of compliance: simple ideas for explaining complex things (case study)”. During the training course, she gave advice how to implement compliance programs, why it is necessary to conduct compliance trainings for employees and how to do this. She also presented characteristics of internal documents on compliance that the company should have and told about the fields to apply the new EU regulation on Data Protection (GDPR).

Other program trainers presented their practical experience in the field of Compliance, with the help of practical cases they described the consequences of violating the law and told how to build an effective internal compliance system.