Volodymyr Rudnychenko moderated the workshop “Criminal responsibility for violations in the field of intellectual property”


On June 22, 2018 INTEGRITES law firm together with IPStyle Patent Law Company together with the Ukrainian Advocates’ Association conducted workshop “Criminal responsibility for violations in the field of intellectual property”**.**

Volodymyr Rudnychenko, Counsel at INTEGRITES and Co-Head of the Committee on Criminal Law and Procedure of the Ukrainian Advocates’ Association moderated the event. He mentioned that the aim of the event was to confirm the idea among the colleagues and business representatives that there is an opportunity to protect efficiently the violated rights of intellectual property through the criminal proceedings. Despite all problems of subjective and objective origin, the number of successful cases related to protection of Clients’ interest is growing. This exactly is the establishing of the practice in this category of cases that we are lack of nowadays.

During the workshop, speakers, among which were court experts, representatives from the National Police, prosecutor’s office, judges and legal practitioners, analyzed the current legislation in the field of intellectual property and using real cases told about the possibility to protect rights of intellectual property  within the criminal proceedings.