On March 25, 2020, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted two important regulations[[1]](https://www.integrites.com/publications/covid-19-in-ukraine-latest-news/#_ftn1) referring to the coronavirus pandemic (“COVID-19”). These regulations provide for prolongation of the quarantine as well as all related limitations.
New measures introduced by the Ukrainian Government:
! Application of the above exceptions is subject to the provision of personnel with appropriate protective equipment for individual protection, as well as compliance with the relevant sanitary and anti-epidemiological measures.
In both cases, drivers and/or passengers should use the means of individual protection and comply with the sanitary measures.
Enterprises of strategic importance continue their operations. Employees of such enterprises, as well as state and municipal bodies, will be able to use the mentioned above public transport that will carry them exclusively, using special passes. To obtain passes, employers should address the local transport authorities with a corresponding request either in writing or by e-mail.
[[1]](https://www.integrites.com/publications/covid-19-in-ukraine-latest-news/#_ftnref1) Namely the following: On the transfer of a unified state system of civil protection in emergency mode No. 338-p (the “Regulation No. 338-p”) and On Amendments to the Certain Acts Of the Ukrainian government No. 239 (the “Regulation No. 239”)
[[2]](https://www.integrites.com/publications/covid-19-in-ukraine-latest-news/#_ftnref2) Reference to the rout approval procedure – http://patrol.police.gov.ua/pogodzhennya-marshrutu-ruhu/