Energy Week Black Sea 2020


Energy Week Black Sea 2020 will bring together authorities and energy companies from Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, and Georgia, as well as international financial institutions and multinational private investors to foster the deployment of renewable energy in the region, attract foreign direct investment into the sector and unlock the potential of regional cooperation.

The event comprises of a 2-day Congress focused on the most important questions faced by the countries surrounding the Black Sea pursuing the energy transition.

Agenda highlights:

  • What reforms are being implemented by each country to foster or further scale up renewable energy deployment?
  • What support schemes are there at the moment? Feed-in tariffs, YEKA zonesgreen certificates, long term PPAs, green auctions: changes of the legislative support
  • What did contribute to the policy reversals in some countries? How to overcome uncertainty about the “right” level of support for renewables and the concern that countries may be “overpaying”?
  • What projects are in the pipeline?
  • What are the best strategies for gaining a foothold in the region?
  • What is the maturity level of different technologies that can be part of the solutions to help increase the penetration of renewable energy and improve energy access?

You can learn more about the event’s official website:

Contact the organizers at

INTEGRITES has become the official Knowledge Partner for Ukraine for this event and we look forward to meeting you in Istanbul!