The team has extensive practical experience in advising companies from many industries on a broad spectrum of antitrust and competition law issues. Many years of cooperation with international antitrust and competition law experts as well as a deep understanding of the practice of the state authorities and courts help us to develop effective solutions for domestic and international companies.

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Debt recovery might become troublesome if the debtor moves assets beyond the reach of the creditors. Even if the debtor has not resorted to asset dissipation, it is still useful for the creditors to understand its asset position before initiating court or arbitration proceedings. Knowing the other party’s assets and the steps, which have been taken with respect to them, is often crucial for the subsequent debt recovery but also for the purposes of division of communal family assets between the spouses, as well as assessing the solvency of the existing or potential business partners and taking various commercial decisions.

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Our Banking and Finance team advises across the full spectrum of debt and equity transactions. We navigate the breakthrough deals and shape the regulatory framework. We deliver. We provide bespoke and in-depth business and legal advice. Combination of drive and knowledge boosts our recognition by the regulators, reputable banks as well as the IFIs and other country’s donors – the players making a positive impact onto the financial markets’ development.

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Our team identifies possible risks, assesses them, and suggests ways how to prevent or mitigate negative consequences for the business

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Failure to comply with the corporate business ethics, internal and external rules and regulations may entail compliance risks. The consequences can be different - from fines and claims for compensation for damages to a long ban on the company's management from holding managerial positions. In order to prevent these risks, companies need to create internal compliance systems.

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The practice team advises on all matters of corporate law, mergers and acquisitions. We help clients who plan to create a company to choose a legal form of organization, determine the competence of management, and in case of a joint venture – to identify the rights and obligations of shareholders.

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With the growing involvement of many companies in the international trade of goods and services, the number of cross-border disputes involving them also grows. In each such dispute one should take into account specifics of all jurisdictions involved in the proceedings, as well as of jurisdictions where ultimate court decisions and arbitral awards will be enforced.

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Legal protection of industrial designs, utility models and inventions, trademarks, copyrights and other intellectual property is becoming increasingly important for business. Infringement of intellectual property rights can sometimes go unnoticed what makes protecting these rights especially complicated.

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INTEGRITES offers support and representation in arbitration proceedings at all stages – from the beginning to the final decision and in the enforcement of the arbitral award. We successfully settle cross-border disputes and coordinate complex proceedings, taking into account the specifics of various jurisdictions. Together with our clients, we develop comprehensive strategies to achieve their interests and goals and to protect their rights. We have outstanding experience in arbitration proceedings as party representatives, arbitrators and experts.

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Despite the globalization of commodity markets, in the international trade there still remain barriers. Some are tariff-related (customs duties), others are non-tariff-related (certain norms, standards and other requirements for goods). One particular form of the tariff-related barriers to international trade is anti-dumping duties.

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We advise large local and internationally active companies on all essential issues of labour law. Among our key services are:

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We believe that the best trial is still the one you don't have. That’s why before starting any legal proceeding, we will recommend out-of-court dispute settlement, including business mediation (link). However, we understand that out-of-court solutions do not always work.

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The INTEGRITES private client practice team advises wealthy people and their families on the accumulation, management, transfer and protection of personal capital. Over the years, we have worked closely with key jurisdictions that are most often used to structure personal business and property. Working with teams of other company practices, such as real estate practice, litigation, banking and tax law, helps us find the best solutions based on the personal needs of each client.

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Dialogue is an essential part of successful interaction between business, governments and democratic institutions. We understand the mechanisms of decision making and support clients in interaction with the state in order to enable them to articulate and protect their interests.

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The real estate markets in the FSU region have been rapidly developing over the last 10 years. Legislation in the real estate area has been undergoing positive changes as well. However, some bottlenecks which can become obstacles for many deals and projects, still remain.

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Tax and customs law pose many challenges for business. Legislation is changing quickly and the pressure from tax and customs authorities can be high. The pressure can be withstood through excellent preparation – in corporate structuring and in dealing with the state authorities. This is exactly where INTEGRITES team can provide business with the necessary support. We have a strong tax and customs practice team with extensive experience not only in tax planning, but also in dealing with tax and customs authorities, both in administrative channels and in court.

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Companies and businessmen sometimes get under pressure of the law enforcement authorities or become victims of illegal actions by third parties – be it competitors, raiders or even their own employees. In these situations, fast and strategically correct action is important. The defense strategy must include both criminal law and general commercial law aspects.

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