Aviation is of fundamental importance for the FSU regional markets, but also for connecting them to global markets. It is a highly regulated sector the specific characteristics of which may vary depending on the particular jurisdiction. We advise airlines and other service providers coming from both private and public sectors.

Our services:

  • Full legal support for infrastructure and logistics projects
  • Accreditations
  • Settlement of disputes with passengers
  • Advice on compliance of the airlines’ internal policies and tariffs with the requirements of the current legislation
  • Support in dealing with insolvent airlines or agents
  • Legal advice on the conclusion of contracts in the field of aviation
  • Due Diligence
  • Taxation
  • Dispute resolution
  • Antimonopoly investigations, licensing by the competition authority and other competition law issues
  • White-collar crime risk management


Dr. Julian Ries

Senior partner, Germany

Oleksandr Onishchenko

Partner, Ukraine

Dmytriy Nyshpal