INTEGRITES refurbished a classroom for law students at the National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”


INTEGRITES refurbished a classroom for law students of the National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”. As one of the facilities at the Institute of German Law at the NaUKMA, the auditorium is located on 27 Naberezhno-Khreshchatytska Street, Building 9, Kyiv.

The room which has been technically equipped, furnished and fully renovated, can accomodate up to 30 people. It will be the location for law classes at the Academy and public lectures by well-known Ukrainian and foreign lawyers.

Opening ceremony took place on September 16, 2019. Head of Department for Culture, Education and Minorities at the German Embassy in Ukraine Katharina Schaupp-Karmann, and Vice President of the National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” Vasyl Ozhohan attended the event as honorary guests.

“We chose Kyiv-Mohyla Academy because we like its spirit – quality education, European values. It’s our pleasure to contribute to the modern learning space here. We will be happy to share our expertise and experience in law with young specialists”, INTEGRITES managing partner Oleksiy Feliv commented.

“Taking patronage in education is the best way for private business to demonstrate its social responsibility. Students and teaching staff appreciate the INTEGRITES initiative. With the renovated classroom we make studying environment for our students better”, said Denis Azarov, Dean, Faculty of Law at the National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”.

“We thank INTEGRITES for the support and assistance to the Institute of German Law at the NaUKMA and for opening the modern study space. It’s a great location for students and academic staff interested in German and European law”, Director of the Institute of German Law at the National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” Roman Petrov commented.


The Institute of German Law at the National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” is one of the first institutes for research and education of German law in Ukraine. For students, the institute offers introductory and advanced lectures on the basic principles of German private and public law. The aim of the institute is to provide students with the basic understanding of German law in German language.

NaUKMA is the leader in innovation that actively influences the future of Ukraine and its society. The Academy organically combines scientific activity, educational process and the acquisition of practical skills of the highest quality. Kyiv-Mohyla Academy is a prestigious, internationally-recognized by the world academic community research university.