Despite the globalization of commodity markets, barriers to international trade still remain. Some are tariff-related (customs duties), and others are non-tariff-related (certain norms, standards and other requirements for goods). One particular form of tariff-related barrier to international trade is anti-dumping duties.

Dumping in the international context means selling goods on foreign markets at lower prices than on the domestic market. Since such behaviour creates unfair conditions for competition on the target market, dumping is usually viewed as an unfair practice which can be eliminated by imposing anti-dumping duties for goods imported to the target market.

INTEGRITES represents both foreign manufacturers and importers of their products, and national producers who want to protect their interests through an anti-dumping investigation.

We also provide legal advice on:

  • Other trade investigations against producers in Ukraine or Kazakhstan
  • WTO-related matters: assessment of the legality of trade barriers (tariff, non-tariff, quantitative and other) applied to exporters in foreign markets, taking into account the WTO rules
  • Foreign economic and trade activities of the company during export and import operations
  • Preferential trade agreements, free trade zones, and establishment of supply schemes using the mechanisms provided by such agreements


Yevgen Ivanets

Counsel, Ukraine