Thousands of volunteers and military reservists have joined the ranks of Ukraine's defenders following the start of the full-scale war with Russia. Along with the number of military personnel, their demand for qualified legal assistance has also increased. Among the most relevant issues are social security benefits and how to get them, state guarantees and how to implement them, protection in court cases and consultations on issues related to various types of liability.

Our team provides pro bono legal assistance to military personnel and their families on all of the above and other issues.


1. Consulting on issues of financial support and other payments

The current legislation provides for the payment of monetary remuneration to military personnel and, in particular, provides for additional remuneration for participation in hostilities and for the treatment period after injury. The heavy workload on military administration bodies during martial law sometimes leads to errors in the appointment, accrual or payment of remuneration to military personnel. Our lawyers advise clients on the correctness of the appointment, calculation and payment of their monetary remuneration. If there are violations in these processes, we apply both judicial and extrajudicial dispute resolution methods in order to achieve the maximum economic effect for the client.

2. Consulting on special status issues (combatant, war invalid)

In the conditions of war, the state is constantly working to facilitate all formal procedures for military personnel. However, in practice, difficult and controversial situations, in which they need legal assistance, still occur. INTEGRITES advises servicemen and women who are obtaining the status of combatant and war invalid. Our lawyers advise our clients on the prospects and potential difficulties in obtaining those statuses, ensure the collection of the necessary documents, and assist with their submission to the authorized bodies.

3. Consulting on matters of military service (getting leave, transfer to another unit, a military discharge, etc.)

Completion of military service during martial law is regulated by rules that differ significantly from completion of other public service, as well as other types of hired labour. Hence, there are a significant number of requests from military personnel for legal advice. Current issues include: medical care and treatment, leaves, transfers to other units, discharge and receiving benefits. INTEGRITES assists in explaining to military personnel all their rights and opportunities in each specific situation, and also accompanies the procedure for their implementation, taking into account the needs of the client.

4. Consulting families of servicemen and women who died, went missing or were captured, on issues of documentary confirmation of such circumstances and processing of payments provided for by law

INTEGRITES provides the families of soldiers with qualified legal advice in matters of documentary confirmation of the circumstances of the death, disappearance or capture of a soldier. The availability of relevant documents allows the families of military personnel to apply for statutory payments and receive other state guarantees.

5. Consulting on issues of disciplinary and administrative responsibility related to military service, defense of servicemen in criminal proceedings related to military service

Many Ukrainian servicemen are not professional soldiers but came to protect Ukraine from civilian professions. Therefore, situations may often arise when the command may consider certain actions of a serviceman/woman as a disciplinary offense and impose a disciplinary penalty on him/her. INTEGRITES provides both support for disciplinary proceedings and a possible appeal of penalties imposed on a client in the event that they are unfair or illegal. In addition, military personnel often operate in situations with increased administrative and criminal legal risks. Decisions and actions that are correct from a logical point of view in specific situations may formally qualify as an offense related to the rules of warfare, circulation of weapons, encroachments on life, health, property, and the performance of official duties. INTEGRITES brings together lawyers with experience in successfully defending participants in criminal proceedings. We provide support to clients at all stages of administrative and criminal proceedings, from investigative actions at a pre-trial investigation to appeal and cassation against a verdict or decision.