On 3 November 2022 the State Tax Service of Ukraine (the Tax Service) has joined the Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement on the Exchange of Country-by-Country Reports (the Multilateral Agreement CbC / Agreement).
The purpose of the Multilateral Agreement CbC is to establish the rules and procedures necessary for competent authorities of the states – participants of the Agreement for annual automatic exchanging of country-by-country reports of international groups of companies (the Country-by-Country Report / Report). Implementation of such automatic exchange is one of Ukrainian obligations regarding implementation of Step 13 of the BEPS Action Plan – introduction of additional reporting on the transfer pricing for international groups of companies. Currently, more than 90 countries have joined the Multilateral Agreement CbC, while the first automatic exchange of the Country-by-Country Reports under the Agreement took place in June 2018. With joining of the Tax Service to the Multilateral Agreement CbC on 3 November 2022, Ukraine became another signatory state of the Agreement.
Let us remind that the provision regarding duty of taxpayers – Ukrainian residents being the participants of international groups of companies (the Group of Companies / Group) – to submit the Country-by-Country Reports to the Tax Service was introduced to the Tax Code of Ukraine (the TCU) as a result of adoption in January 2020 of the Law of Ukraine No. 466-IX «On amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine regarding improving of taxes administration and removal of technical and logical discrepancies in tax legislation».
The Country-by-Country Report is an integral part of the three-level transfer pricing reporting (which also includes, in addition to the Country-by-Country Report, transfer pricing documentation (Local file) and global transfer pricing documentation (Master file)). The Report is to be submitted to the Tax Service electronically. The form and manner of filling in the Report have been approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated 14 December 2020 No. 764.
The Country-by-Country Report shall be submitted, if the aggregate consolidated income of the Group of Companies, where a taxpayer participates, exceeds the equivalent of EUR 750 million for the financial year preceding the reporting year. Simultaneously, one of the four circumstances stipulated by the TCU must be present:
The Country-by-Country Report shall contain information for each jurisdiction where participants of the Group of Companies are registered or where the Group of Companies operates, in particular, but not exclusively:
The Country-by-Country Report shall be prepared for the financial year determined by the parent company of the Group of Companies (may not coincide with the calendar year), and shall be submitted:
Herewith, the provisions of the Transitional Provisions of the TCU stipulate that the first Country-by-Country Reports shall be submitted for the financial year that ended in 2021, but not earlier than in the year when the competent authorities concluded the Multilateral Agreement CbC.
Thus, taking into account the recent joining of the Tax Service to the Agreement and the literal interpretation of the provisions of Clause 53 of Subsection 10 of Chapter XX of the TCU, it can be assumed that taxpayers – Ukrainian residents who are the participants of the Groups of Companies, subject to meeting the above-mentioned criteria determining the emergence of the duty to submit the Country-by-Country Reports, can face a risk of arising of the duty to submit in 2023 for the years 2021-2022 the first Country-by-Country Reports.
In this regard, it is worth waiting for a clearer clarification from the Tax Service or the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine regarding the deadlines for the first submission of the Country-by-Country Reports for the 2021-2022 financial years, given the joining of the Tax Service in November 2022 to the Multilateral Agreement CbC.
With regard to specifically the annual automatic exchange of Country-by-Country Reports between the competent authorities of the countries participating in the Multilateral Agreement CbC, such exchange, based on the provisions of the Agreement, shall take place no later than:
Herewith, in order for the Tax Service to be able to exchange Country-by-Country Reports with the competent authorities of other countries participating in the Multilateral Agreement CbC, Ukraine after joining the Agreement shall also:
This also includes the list of countries with which Ukraine wishes to automatically exchange Country-by-Country Reports. The automatic exchange of the Reports with the competent authorities of such countries will take place only if the respective countries also include Ukraine in their own similar lists of countries with which they would like to automatically exchange Country-by-Country Reports.
Команда INTEGRITES слідкуватиме за подальшим впровадженням автоматичного обміну звітами у розрізі країн міжнародних груп компаній в Україні, і триматиме Вас у курсі новин щодо цього процесу.
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