Viktoriya Fomenko spoke at InvestPro 2018 international conference


September 20, 2018, Viktoriya Fomenko, Counsel and Head of Tax and Customs practice at INTEGRITES, participated in InvestPro Ukraine international conference organized by Bosco Conference.

The conference was dedicated to the inflow of investments in the different area of Ukrainian business and related questions such as investment process regulation and tax assessment in Ukraine and other jurisdictions. Within her speech, Viktoriya told about the correlation of terms “beneficiary owner”, “ultimate beneficiary owner” and draw special attention on tax aspects of disclosure information concerning beneficial owners. In her presentation, she analyzed positions of state authorities and courts about the status of the beneficial owner and warned on tax consequences of failure to prove this status.

International conference InvestPro Ukraine 2018 gathered more than 250 participators from Ukraine, Cyprus, Malta, Hungary, Bulgaria, Hong Kong, Lithuania, Latvia, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. The participants discussed the most effective work strategies with banks, cross-jurisdictional investment projects, deoffshorization and tax assessment of income from investments in Ukraine, as well as citizenship, residence and corporate structuring opportunities in various jurisdictions.