Climate Change Task Force

The global decarbonisation trend poses new challenges to large local and multinational producers. Many companies, especially those operating in the industries with the highest CO² emissions, are urged to turn business green and implement new technologies and procedural codes.

The governments sponsor urgent transition to a non-carbon economy nationally and worldwide. The decarbonisation agenda has been driven by the European Green Deal and the perspective of the carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) in the EU – the tax on import to the EU is imposed to compensate for damage by carbon-generating producers.

Carbon emission tax will likely grow internationally and incentivize businesses to decrease their environmental footprint by cutting greenhouse gas emissions and using energy efficiency technologies.

As a legal adviser with particular expertise in energy and renewable energy, tax and financing, INTEGRITES offers sophisticated solutions for businesses that want to become carbon neutral.

We offer the capacity of 6 partners and 25 lawyers within the firm’s Climate Change Task Force to work in projects on:

Trading of energy generated from renewable sources

We help the exporters to the EU with procuring RES power on the auctions by the Guaranteed Buyer’s balancing group and RES power certificates. The exporters, thus, become exempt from CBAM.
Our Energy team is a market leader in counselling developers with a full contractual package for the feed-in-tariff: participation in the market segments, power transmission and distribution agreements, PPAs (power purchase agreements) etc.

Green financing: IFIs, green bonds, emissions trading

Our team helps Ukrainian businesses and public entities to finance their projects with international financial institutions (EBRD, EIB, IBRD, IFC etc.) and other impact finance organizations who has been turning away from the fossil fuels towards transitional and alternative energy sources.
The firm also assists the securities regulator (NSSMC) in creating the ETS (emissions' trading system) marketplace. As a part of the advising consortium, we lead the integration of ETS with the wholesale energy products trading infrastructure that brings liquidity and attracts more investors into Ukraine’s energy efficiency.

System flexibility: storage and maneuvering capacities

Ukraine’s electricity grid and traditional generation assets lack the efficacy to absorb all of the RES volatile output. We drive the implementation of the state aid mechanism and the contemplated public-private partnerships to satisfy the huge demand for the demand-supply matching instruments: energy storage and fast-start generation. We advise the policymakers, investors and OEM suppliers on business models and the technical side of implementing modern technology in Ukraine’s United Energy System.

Upgrade of energy efficiency: generation and industry use

We support conversion and refitting of the utilities at the industrial scale, in particular, in Ukraine’s vast steel sector. Our team was the first to introduce Energy Performance Contract Guaranteed Savings between ESCO (energy savings company) and local public authority to Ukraine.
One of the least energy-efficient sectors in Ukraine – central district heating – is also among the world’s largest. Our team contributes to opening up the sector for market competition and increased efficiency through optimization and modernization.
Cogeneration plants and shipping infrastructure have been designed and built many decades ago, with few modernizations ever since. We are establishing partnerships and supporting investment projects of the greener cities in the district heating with the backing of the municipalities and state aid. We support businesses, EPC contractors and OEMs in implementing industrial (decentralized) co-generation and tri-generation projects that bring down the carbon trace and decrease reliance on heavy fuels and centralized grid.

Policy framing and advocacy: alternative fuels, energy storage, green hydrogen, tax incentives

Our team has been counselling NGOs, businesses and governmental institutions on the legal framework and policy development regarding energy storage, in particular, chemical accumulators and alternative fuels, including hydrogen. We have initiated and led a series of public discussion events regarding hydrogen production strategy goals and relevant legal instruments. Our team is active in advocating tax incentives concerning alternative energy sources.

Development of renewables

Read here about our expertise in energy and renewables.


Climate Change Task Force Services

Our experience:


€ 1-2 bln​

Project related to construction of several generation and co-generation power plants and implementation of electricity supply security
Entering the Ukrainian market using public procurement instruments, namely through negotiating procedure with the companies-buyers of equipment

EU Commission assistance to NSSMC

Acting in consortsium with PwC EU Services EESV and Correggio Consulting Ltd for Delegation of European Commission in Ukraine to assist the Ukrainian securities markets regulator in improving energy commodity markets, including organized trading for commodity products, in Ukraine

The world’s leading steel and mining company operating in 60 countries

Successful representation of the client in the multi-million tax disputes against the State Tax Service of Ukraine


