INTEGRITES secured no-measure outcome in favour of the client in the safeguard investigation on imports of the caustic soda to Ukraine


INTEGRITES successfully protected interests of one of the largest in Europe and the leading Ukrainian non-ferrous metallurgical enterprise in the safeguard investigation on imports of caustic soda to Ukraine. Initiated by the Ukrainian producer of caustic soda, the investigation was suspended without application of any measure.

The strategy developed by the International Trade practice at INTEGRITES included legal support combined with the elements of economic analysis. In particular, the team has estimated the potential change in the applicant’s pricing behavior in case if restrictive measures took place, as well as conducted the comparative analysis of price, volume and cost indicators during the investigation period. The firm’s lawyers have also analyzed the alternative indicators to define the market trends and performance that were not evident from the applicant’s materials.

Successful outcome of the case will help the client to keep the same production output, market share and qualified labour force. It will also have a positive impact on the market competition and prevent the initiator of the investigation, a monopolist on the Ukrainian market of caustic soda, from abusing its dominant position through unwarranted rise of the prices.

Supervised by the International Trade practice lead Sergii Lakhno, the core group working on the project included Counsel on trade investigations Yevgen Ivanets, paralegal Ivan Yefimenko. Lawyers from the Dispute Resolution, Antitrust and Competition, Tax and Customs practices as well as analytical department experts also advised on the case.

The International Trade team at INTEGRITES is recognized in Tier 2 in The Legal 500 2020, one of the most reputable international legal directories. Over the past 12 months, International Trade practice has tripled the case portfolio, providing legal support to the leading players on their respective markets, with 57% of all projects being for international companies.